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Where we do it

Last updated 26 July 2023
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map of EM3 LEP area

Enterprise M3 Local Enterprise Partnership helps to deliver increased productivity, prosperity and an improved quality of life for people living and working across west Surrey and most of the county of Hampshire as our defined economic geography.

The EM3 area is globally competitive with a knowledge, digital and design-based economy including high value sectors such as: space and satellite; aerospace and defence; digital and cyber security; life sciences and med-tech; and 'createch' (creativity and technology, including gaming).

It has five partner universities, including the University of Southampton, the University of Surrey, Royal Holloway University of London, the University of Winchester and the University of Creative Arts (UCA), which provide access to a number of important research and innovation institutions and businesses.

EM3 combines a rich natural environment, including part of the South Downs National Park and sites of outstanding natural beauty, as well as the historic cathedral city of WInchester.  While it has no large conurbation, it is instead made up of villages and towns including Guildford, Woking, Farnborough and Basingstoke.

EM3 is now part of a formal group of LEPs in the South East called Catalyst South.

The EM3 LEP area includes a population of 1.52 million people, 89,700 businesses, 2 county councils and 14 district authorities generating £49 billion GVA for the UK economy.

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From 1 April 2024, the responsibility for LEP functions across the Enterprise M3 LEP region has transferred to Hampshire County Council and Surrey County Council.

The Enterprise M3 Board met for the last time in March 2024 and Enterprise M3 LEP is no longer operating as an organisation.

For any enquiries relating to economic development across the counties of Hampshire and Surrey, please visit the Hampshire County Council website and Business Surrey respectively.

Please note that Enterprise M3 LEP staff have transferred to Hampshire County Council to continue to deliver services and activities in Hampshire, including the Growth Hub, the Careers Hub, work on key business sectors, and trade and investment.  

They can be contacted by emailing and respectively. Alternatively, please contact the

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