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Last updated 29 February 2024
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Local Enterprise Partnerships are voluntary partnerships between local authorities and businesses to help determine local economic priorities and lead economic growth within their local area.

Enterprise M3 Local Enterprise Partnership helps to deliver increased productivity, prosperity and an improved quality of life for people living and working across west Surrey and most of the county of Hampshire. We were formed in 2011 and became Enterprise M3 Ltd in March 2019 and the Articles of Association explain our purpose as well as our duties and responsibilities. Enterprise M3 works through an Accountable Body, Hampshire County Council, and engage and work closely with them across our activity.

We regard the open and transparent management of public funds as our most important responsibility.

We operate in line with an Assurance Framework, based on guidance from central Government, which determines the practices and standards necessary to provide assurance that decisions over funding are transparent, accountable  and represent value for money. In line with the requirements of the Framework, we publish  information on all of the projects we fund on this website which can be viewed in the investments section as well as all our Board papers, agendas and meeting minutes.

The most recent Assurance Framework can be viewed in the related content section to the right of this page. Enterprise M3 publish an Annual Report each year and a copy of our latest audited accounts can also be found by following the links on the right.

Enterprise M3 are committed to publishing on its website a public notice of Programme Management Group and Board meetings and any sub-committee which involves decisions about public money, at least five clear working days before any meeting. Copies of the Agenda and any papers (save for confidential and exempt items) to be considered at a meeting of the Programme Management Group or Board will be open for inspection by the public at least five clear working days before any meeting, unless a matter is to be considered as a matter of urgency, in which case the item will be available for inspection as soon as it is added to the Agenda for the meeting. The same procedure applies if a meeting is held by teleconference between meetings to take urgent business

The Enterprise M3 LEP Board

EM3 has a business-led Board, which includes representatives of  large companies and smaller businesses; Local Authorities; Not-for-Profit organisations; Universities and the Further Education sector. Members  are high calibre, highly experienced people with diverse backgrounds and skills,  selected for their business acumen and specialist expertise.

Collectively, the Board, led by our chair, is responsible for the overall strategic direction of the LEP, establishing targets, priorities and monitoring progress. Each Board member and EM3 staff member completes a Register of Interests form.

In addition, the EM3 Joint Leaders Board brings together all of the Local Authorities across the EM3 area, to provide further scrutiny of our work.

We welcome enquiries from anyone interested in joining the Board at anytime. Vacancies for private sector Board Members are openly advertised and candidates are selected and interviewed by a Nominations Committee drawn from the Enterprise M3 LEP Board.


Our Assurance Framework references a number of policies all of which can viewed in the download section on the right hand side of this webpage.


Our Annual Performance Review with Government took place in January 2022 and our Assurance Statement from this meeting can be viewed by following the links on the right.

The Enterprise M3 Joint Leaders Board brings together all of the Local Authorities across the Enterprise M3 area. This group provides a scrutiny function and these sessions scrutiny sessions are held annually in the Autumn. In addition to this, the Chair and Joint Managing Directors of Enterprise M3 continue to present at each Joint Leaders Board and also appear at Local Authority Scrutiny Committees.

Key Partners

Hampshire County Council (Accountable Body)

Joint Leaders Board

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

Department for Business & Trade (DBT)

Department for Science, Innovation & Technology

Department for Education

From 1 April 2024, the responsibility for LEP functions across the Enterprise M3 LEP region has transferred to Hampshire County Council and Surrey County Council.

The Enterprise M3 Board met for the last time in March 2024 and Enterprise M3 LEP is no longer operating as an organisation.

For any enquiries relating to economic development across the counties of Hampshire and Surrey, please visit the Hampshire County Council website and Business Surrey respectively.

Please note that Enterprise M3 LEP staff have transferred to Hampshire County Council to continue to deliver services and activities in Hampshire, including the Growth Hub, the Careers Hub, work on key business sectors, and trade and investment.  

They can be contacted by emailing and respectively. Alternatively, please contact the

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