About us

Enterprise M3 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) is a business-led partnership, bringing together private, public, and not-for-profit sector organisations to determine local economic priorities and undertake activities which drive economic growth and productivity - across a defined economic geography covering most of the county of Hampshire and West Surrey - through innovation, business growth, job creation, improved infrastructure, and increased workforce skills and inward investment.

We were formed in 2011 and became Enterprise M3 Ltd in March 2019 and the Articles of Association explain our purpose as well as our duties and responsibilities. Enterprise M3 works through an Accountable Body, Hampshire County Council, and engage and work closely with them across our activity. We regard the open and transparent management of public funds as our most important responsibility.

To find out more about our Board and our Staff click below, or find out about our governance arrangements.

Meet the EM3 Board

Meet the EM3 Staff