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Skills for Businesses

Last updated 11 April 2024
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Skills for Businesses

We understand people are the greatest asset in every business and often their most important investment.

We've a highly skilled team dedicated to helping businesses gain the knowledge and make the connections needed to access the people, skills and training facilities for their business to succeed.

Our organisation has directly invested in a number of skills projects which can be found here.

Our help for businesses and employers in navigating a complex recruitment, skills and training landscape is multi-layered, and we hope that every business and employer in our region will find part or the whole of our offer valuable.

For businesses keen to know the latest information on the health of the regional economy and labour market, we produce up-to-date information every two months. Click here for an easy to access lowdown on the economy including which sectors are recruiting staff and which are not.

You can find our action plan for recovery and renewal of our economy here and our Skills Action Plan here which includes our ambitions for transforming the availability of skills needed by employers.  

Our Skills Advisory Panel brings together employers and trainers, including colleges and universities. We regularly invite employers to speak at these meetings. The SAP is chaired by Barney Ely, Managing Director of Hays Recruitment South East. For more information on the role and membership of the SAP click here.

Do you need support with training or skills?

Hampshire Growth Hub offers a free one stop shop for business support, including dedicated advisors and a referrals service to external training providers. You can get more information by calling 01483 478098.

The Apprenticeship and Skills Partnership offers impartial advice at no cost to employers of any size on apprenticeship and skills training. If you are looking to become an apprentice, you can also contact the Hub.

For businesses who are interested in inspiring future generations to join their industry, the EM3 Careers Hub introduces employers to schools and colleges. Megan Low manages this service, her details are at the top right of this page.

We bring colleges, universities and employers together to facilitate collaborative relationships which benefits businesses, education providers and learners alike.  

From 1 April 2024, the responsibility for LEP functions across the Enterprise M3 LEP region has transferred to Hampshire County Council and Surrey County Council.

The Enterprise M3 Board met for the last time in March 2024 and Enterprise M3 LEP is no longer operating as an organisation.

For any enquiries relating to economic development across the counties of Hampshire and Surrey, please visit the Hampshire County Council website and Business Surrey respectively.

Please note that Enterprise M3 LEP staff have transferred to Hampshire County Council to continue to deliver services and activities in Hampshire, including the Growth Hub, the Careers Hub, work on key business sectors, and trade and investment.  

They can be contacted by emailing and respectively. Alternatively, please contact the

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