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Enterprise M3 Launches New Vision For A High Growth, Low Carbon Economy Across Surrey and Hampshire

Last updated 30 May 2023
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EM3 Low Carbon, High Growth new vision image

Enterprise M3 Local Enterprise Partnership has received a new mandate from Government as ministers announced a new round of funding for EM3 to continue to deliver business-led support for regional economic growth.

The LEP will now go forward with renewed energy to work with our partners and implement our new vision to drive a low carbon, high growth economy in our area.

The vision, endorsed by EM3’s business board, builds on the LEP’s outstanding work to date - nurturing our high productivity sectors, driving inward investment and seeing businesses through Brexit, the Covid-19 pandemic, labour shortages, skills needs and the many ongoing challenges our companies face.

Going forward, using the wealth of expertise across our team, the LEP will continue to provide tailored support to businesses through our Growth Hub. We will help our businesses achieve carbon-friendly growth and compete in international markets.

We will share our sound and authoritative understanding of the economy to carry out strategic planning in partnership with local authorities and will articulate the region’s economic priorities with a roadmap for success.

We will continue to collect business intelligence, support high potential sector clusters, work to attract investment into our area and enhance the conditions where innovation and enterprise flourish.

Chair of Enterprise M3, Michael Queen, said: “It’s clear the Government recognises the valuable role LEPs like EM3 play supporting businesses and communities by representing a strong, independent voice and bringing the private, public and not-for-profit sector organisations together.”

“We’ve been given a green light by Government to get on with our job of focussing on a high performance, high skill economy, driving economic growth and prosperity for the future.”

“EM3 has a strong track record of success, and we remain committed to creating new opportunities for our businesses and communities across the M3 corridor.”

The Government has also clarified how LEPs across England will operate in the coming years. Ultimately, LEPs will integrate with local authorities. For now, EM3 is among a number of LEPs to continue in its current form and the Government has given LEPs a clear message to move forward bringing an independent business voice in all we do.

Councillor Tim Oliver, Leader of Surrey County Council and EM3 Board Director, said: “I welcome the clarity and simplicity of EM3’s Vision, which aligns well with the County Council’s priorities of ‘a Greener Future’ and a ‘Sustainable Economy from which everyone can benefit’, driven by innovation, investment and enterprise. Given the Government’s plans for the integration of LEPs into local authorities as part of devolution arrangements, and the LEPs’ constrained resources, our priority is that this alignment and continued close working between us supports practical delivery that makes a difference for businesses, residents and the Surrey economy.” 

The Deputy Leader of Hampshire County Council, Cllr Rob Humby, and EM3 Board Director, said: “I am really pleased to endorse the revised EM3 vision that echoes the County Council's 2050 vision for Hampshire, its residents, businesses, and visitors. This Council’s vision is for a thriving and prosperous economy; providing high quality and inclusive employment and business opportunities; whilst maintaining and enhancing the quality of life and reducing inequality and economic exclusion. With the potential options for Government devolution emerging, the need for ongoing collective work is paramount through effective and efficient partnerships. This is extremely evident as set out in the new EM3 vision document.”

The recently published Levelling Up White Paper sets out the Government’s plans for devolving certain freedoms and powers to local areas. EM3 will work closely with all our local partners to help secure the best outcomes for our businesses and communities in those devolution deals.



Basing View
RG21 4HG
United Kingdom

From 1 April 2024, the responsibility for LEP functions across the Enterprise M3 LEP region has transferred to Hampshire County Council and Surrey County Council.

The Enterprise M3 Board met for the last time in March 2024 and Enterprise M3 LEP is no longer operating as an organisation.

For any enquiries relating to economic development across the counties of Hampshire and Surrey, please visit the Hampshire County Council website and Business Surrey respectively.

Please note that Enterprise M3 LEP staff have transferred to Hampshire County Council to continue to deliver services and activities in Hampshire, including the Growth Hub, the Careers Hub, work on key business sectors, and trade and investment.  

They can be contacted by emailing and respectively. Alternatively, please contact the

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