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The Enterprise M3 Board

Last updated 22 February 2024
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Enterprise M3 has a business-led board made up of 20 members split between both the private, public sector and not-for-profit sector.

The Enterprise M3 LEP Board, led by Michael Queen, is responsible for the overall strategic direction of the LEP, establishing targets and priorities and monitoring progress towards those targets.

Enterprise M3's Assurance Framework sets out the role of, and Terms of Reference for, the Board. Each Board Member has completed a Register of Interests form, and the full register can be found here.

An overview of the Enterprise M3 LEP governance arrangements can be found here.

The next Board meeting is being held on Thursday 8 June 2023

Enterprise M3 are committed to publishing on its website a public notice of Board and Programme Management Group meetings and any sub-committee which involves decisions about public money, at least five clear working days before any meeting. Copies of the Agenda and any papers (save for confidential and exempt items) to be considered at a meeting of the Board or Programme Management Group will be open for inspection by the public at least five clear working days before any meeting, unless a matter is to be considered as a matter of urgency, in which case the item will be available for inspection as soon as it is added to the Agenda for the meeting. The same procedure applies if a meeting is held by teleconference between meetings to take urgent business

Board papers can be found in the related content section which you can link to from this page.

Minutes of previous meetings can be viewed at these links:

Board Minutes 2024

Board Minutes 2023

Board Minutes 2022

Board Minutes 2021

Board Minutes 2020

Board Minutes 2019

Board Minutes 2018 

Board Minutes 2017

Covid-19 Sub Group

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic a Sub-Group of the Board has been established with delegated decision making powers and to take business critical decision relating the Enterprise M3's response to Covid-19.  The Terms of Reference for the Sub Group can be found here.

The next meeting of the Sub-Group has not yet been arranged.  The minutes for previous meetings are available here.

Enterprise M3 seeks to place as much information as possible in the public domain, however due to the nature of the work there may be some papers which are not suitable for publication. The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 and Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended will be used to determine whether documents should be exempt or classified. Our Confidential Items Policy gives further details of this process. If you would like to apply to see to details of any confidential papers or you would like to make representation to the Enterprise M3 Board please contact Justine Davie at

From 1 April 2024, the responsibility for LEP functions across the Enterprise M3 LEP region has transferred to Hampshire County Council and Surrey County Council.

The Enterprise M3 Board met for the last time in March 2024 and Enterprise M3 LEP is no longer operating as an organisation.

For any enquiries relating to economic development across the counties of Hampshire and Surrey, please visit the Hampshire County Council website and Business Surrey respectively.

Please note that Enterprise M3 LEP staff have transferred to Hampshire County Council to continue to deliver services and activities in Hampshire, including the Growth Hub, the Careers Hub, work on key business sectors, and trade and investment.  

They can be contacted by emailing and respectively. Alternatively, please contact the

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